Showing category "sports and hobbies" (Show all posts)

The Best Attributes of Australian Equine Saddles

Posted by Ryder Lukin on Wednesday, July 25, 2012, In : sports and hobbies 
Equine saddles are among the gears required when participating in horseback riding. It makes the rider more at ease and well balanced. It is built to help riders to accomplish a firm placement in the back of the horse. The legs must be worked out forward and the heels must face to the floor. The sense of harmony that saddles offer to rookies make them feel more convenient when riding the horse.

Essentially, horse riding saddles are available in different types which ...

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What to Wear in Horse Riding?

Posted by Ryder Lukin on Wednesday, July 11, 2012, In : sports and hobbies 

Horseback riding is one of the most popular sports or hobbies that people want to try. Whenever interested, do not get too much excited about trying it right away because it takes preparation to settle down with your horse. One preparation procedure is by wearing the right equestrian clothing. Such clothing will prevent you from falling off that horse. One item of clothing that is required is a helmet. Obviously, it protects your head from possible injuries. When choosing a helmet, it is advi...

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